How far in advance should I reserve my rental?
Bounce houses are popular rental items, especially in the warm months. You should reserve your rental as soon as you have a definite date for your event to ensure availability.
Do you require a deposit?
No. Due to high demand, the full amount will be charged to your card when you complete your purchase. Please see our cancellation policy regarding refunds.
When is payment due?
Due to high demand, the full amount will be charged to your card when you complete your purchase. Please see our cancellation policy regarding refunds.
What is your cancellation policy?
You may cancel your event for a full refund of your deposit one week or more prior to your event. If you cancel 3 to 7 days before the event, we will refund your rental fee minus the 25% deposit. Cancellations of 72 hours or less are non-refundable but we will offer a rebook day for a future event with no additional charges (rebooking must be for available days as listed on our booking page).
Can I keep the bounce house overnight?
We have multi-day rental discounts available on our booking page. When booking, simply put the date range for the number of days you would like to rent the bounce house.
What if there is inclement weather on my rental day?
If there is a 50% chance or more of rain on your booking day, we reserve the right to cancel for the safety of our staff and your guests. If the chance of rain is less than 50%, we will set it up at the customer’s discretion. However, no refund will be given due to rain after delivery. For those choosing to cancel due to rain, you will be able to rebook at no additional charge for another day (rebooking must be for available days as listed on our booking page).
How many kids can jump on the bounce house at one time?
The recommended number is 7 kids at a time. For older children over 100 lbs. each, the number is 4-5.
How much space do I need?
Space will vary based on rental size. The dimensions are on the booking page at the time of booking. We recommend at least a 5-foot buffer in addition to the dimension of the bouncer.
Do you set up on pavement?
We assume all set ups will be grass. However, there is a drop-down menu on the booking page that requires you to identify the type of surface. If you choose pavement or some other surface, we will bring sandbags and weights to anchor the bouncer. We will NOT drive stakes into pavement or concrete and we will NOT tie the bouncer to a building, pole, shed, or other structure.
How long is the full day rental?
Our drop off and set up is done between 7:30 am and noon depending on route. Our latest pickup is 8:30pm.
Do you supply an attendant for the bounce house?
No, we do not supply attendant labor. We can offer an attendant, but you must book the attendant at the time you book the bounce house.
How long does the set-up and break-down take?
Set ups are quick and take approximately 15-25 minutes depending on the size of the bouncer and the distance from the truck to the bounce location. Breakdowns take a bit longer and are between 25 and 35 minutes depending on the size of the bouncer and the distance.